We pride ourselves in providing you with personal service and prompt contact throughout your service of process, making your experience with us as pleasant and easy as possible. Let us do the work for you!
Hiring a Legal Process Server is one of the most important step in proceeding with a court case.
Travis County Process expert process servers are familiar with local, state and national laws that will ensure that your papers are served quickly and within the time constraints that will allow you to go forward with the legal action that you are trying to pursue. Based out of Austin, Texas, our experienced staff can handle any service of summons, subpoenas, writs, complaints, or other document, in all Texas counties. TCP process servers will also file your papers with the courts, can do document retrieval and may offer various types of investigations: skip trace, people locates, surveillance, etc. Because we work exclusively in Texas, we are familiar with the unique laws and judicial protocol that each county observes.
Let Us Help You
Do you need fast service; citations returned promptly, Defendants Served or your file stamped copies returned? Let us do the work for you! Remember quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless...